Let's recap for a moment to verify membership:
The originals that have retained membership:
Carlo Raponi - Was accused of being an Italian Chewbacca until he trimmed his neck.
Christian Harvey - Has not trimmed a hair since day 1. Looking good.
David Breukelaar - Voted first place for Bushman and Best Beard. Trimming of the neck is evident but overlooked because of the Best Beard position achieved.
Jordan Vander Klok - Voted second place in all categories. Trimming of the neck is allowed as it would have continued otherwise for the full body sweater.
Michael VanDerHerberg - Voted first place for Endurance. A non-trimming purist.
Steve North - Stylishly maintaining an impeccable beard, even on his birthday.
The originals that have revoked membership:
Michael Vyn - No longer with us.
Peter Faught - Among the forgotten.
The added, but just as good as originals:
Josh Vreugdenhil - Cousin to the founder and accused of some moustache trimming, but a great beard nonetheless.
Jeremy Anderson - Came out of his mother's womb with a full beard and has not shaved since.
Steve Ross - Founder's counterpart at the New Canadians Centre. We're still waiting for some update photos although Michael can attest to him 'looking great'.
If there are others, expose thyself! Let your inner and outer beard be known.