I will admit that I once used my brother's ID to enter a 'drinking establishment' in my first year of university to celebrate the end of the first term. I think I had one or two beers, and they were most likely of poor domestic quality. The guy at the door must have had several more, because clearly, my brother and I are not identical twins.
My beard is much larger, fuller, and much less red.
Ian surprised us all when he showed up this weekend for the annual Extended Breukelaar Family Christmas Party with hair on his face. There are a million "hair on his face, no hair on top of his head" jokes that could have been made, but he's got some crazy martial art skills and he would have kicked my ass. So, I'll refer to them here from the comfort of the internet.
So, as far as the Peterborough Beard Collective goes, we shall welcome for one brief moment, my brother Ian as an honorary member. He is likely clean shaven now, though, so he is officially kicked out of the collective.
Which brings me to my next point. I appear to be the only one in the collective who has not substantially groomed my beard. I thought that others would last longer than I, but it appears as though all those surveys done some time ago pointing to my beard growing prowess were accurate.
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